Bergen News

  • Kvinne til sykehus etter ulykke på Sandsli

    A woman was rushed to the hospital after a serious accident on Sandsli. The details of the incident are still unclear, but emergency responders acted swiftly to provide assistance. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

  • Telegrafen evakuert på grunn av brødrister

    In a bizarre turn of events, a telegram office in Oslo was evacuated after a malfunctioning toaster caused a small fire. Thankfully, no one was injured in the incident, but it left many scratching their heads at the unexpected culprit.

  • Biden bekrefter at Israel og Libanon er enige om våpenhvile

    In a welcomed development, President Biden has confirmed that Israel and Lebanon have agreed to a ceasefire. The announcement comes after weeks of intense conflict, offering a glimpse of hope for peace in the region.

  • Havnet midt i menneskehandel-sak i Bergen. Nå sendes 14-åringen hjem.

    In the midst of a human trafficking case in Bergen, a 14-year-old victim has been rescued and is being sent back home. The authorities are working tirelessly to ensure that justice is served for all involved in this horrific crime.

  • Johan Kaggestad er død

    The world of sports mourned the loss of legendary coach Johan Kaggestad. His dedication to nurturing young talent and shaping champions will forever be remembered. Rest in peace, Johan.

  • – Nå er jeg utrolig frustrert

    Being incredibly frustrated seems to be a universal human experience. Whether it’s traffic, work, or just life in general, there are moments when you just want to scream, “– Nå er jeg utrolig frustrert!” Finding healthy ways to cope with these feelings is key to maintaining your sanity.

  • Hernars ukjente historie

    Uncover the hidden history of Hernar, a small village nestled in the lush valleys of Norway. From ancient folklore to modern-day legends, explore the untold tales that have shaped this enchanting place over the centuries.

  • «Alle andre ville gått av for lengst»

    In the aftermath of the storm, the resilient lighthouse stood tall against the raging waves. “«Alle andre ville gått av for lengst»” echoed the whispers of admiration for its enduring strength in the face of adversity.

  • Klar for Brann: – Det kuleste stedet å spille i Norge

    Klar for Brann is known as the coolest place to play in Norway. The atmosphere is electric, the fans are passionate, and the competition is fierce. Players relish the opportunity to showcase their skills in such a vibrant setting.

  • «Nå er regjeringen tomme for dårlige unnskyldninger»

    The government is now out of excuses. With the recent scandals and controversies, it seems like they have run out of ways to defend their actions. It is time for some real accountability and transparency in their decision-making processes.