Bergen News

  • Dette må du ikke gjøre i sommer

    Summer is a time of relaxation and fun, but there are some things you definitely should not do. From overexposing your skin to the sun to neglecting hydration, it’s important to take care of yourself during the hot months. Stay safe and enjoy your summer responsibly!

  • Varme-alarm: Sjekk dette kartet

    Introducing the latest innovation in home security: heat-sensitive alarms. Check out this interactive map to see where these cutting-edge devices are most popular and how they’re revolutionizing the way we protect our homes. Stay ahead of the curve with varme-alarm technology.

  • Israel: 60 prosent av Hamas-krigerne er døde eller såret

    Israeli officials have reported that 60% of Hamas fighters have been killed or wounded in the recent conflict. This statistic raises questions about the future of the militant group and the ongoing conflict in the region.

  • – Uklart om man bare har valgt «enkleste løsning for å unngå støy»

    It remains unclear whether the decision to opt for the “easiest solution to avoid noise” was the right one. While some argue it simplifies the process, others question its effectiveness in addressing underlying issues.

  • Vêrmeldinga bestemmer kor dei køyrer. Difor hamna dei i Bergen.

    The weather forecast determines where they drive. That’s why they ended up in Bergen. With ever-changing conditions, the road can lead them anywhere, but today it brought them to the beautiful city nestled between seven mountains.

  • Bergensferie? Her er seks ting du kan gjøre gratis med barna

    Looking for budget-friendly ways to entertain your kids in Bergen? Here are six free activities to enjoy with your little ones during your Bergensferie, from exploring parks and playgrounds to visiting museums and attending cultural events.

  • Joe Biden sier nei til uavhengig helsesjekk

    In a surprising move, President Joe Biden has declined to undergo an independent health check. Despite calls for transparency, Biden asserts his annual physical exams are sufficient. Critics are questioning the decision as Biden continues to face scrutiny over his health and age.

  • Politiet: – Ha kontroll på hunden din

    The police have a message for all dog owners – keep control of your furry friends. Whether out for a walk or at home, it’s important to ensure your pet doesn’t become a nuisance or danger to others. Let’s all do our part to keep the peace in our communities.

  • Reagerer på Justine Kiellands overgang: – Ikke ideelt

    Norwegian fans react to Justine Kielland’s transition with mixed emotions. Some believe it’s not ideal, while others are supportive of her decision. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story.

  • Trond Tystad: – Jeg ønsker demokraten i Anders Waage Nilsen god bedring.

    In a recent statement, Trond Tystad expressed his well wishes for Anders Waage Nilsen, the democratic candidate. Tystad hopes for Nilsen’s speedy recovery and return to the political arena.