Bergen News

  • Bil havnet i fjellveggen i Stryn

    In a stunning turn of events, a yacht found itself lodged in a mountainside in Stryn. The unusual sight has left locals scratching their heads as authorities work to determine how the boat ended up in such an unexpected location.

  • Dette er Branns nye midtstopper

    Meet Brann’s newest central defender, a towering presence on the pitch with a knack for shutting down opposing attacks. With impeccable timing and positional awareness, he is sure to make a strong impact for the team this season.

  • Blir dette vår siste seddel? Ny bok forteller historien.

    Could this be our last banknote? A new book tells the story of cash’s decline in a digital age. Will physical money soon be a thing of the past?

  • Hvordan vaske lin og hvorfor blir slike klær så krøllete? Dette svarer eksperten.

    Learn how to properly wash linen and discover why these types of clothing tend to get so wrinkled. Expert advice sheds light on this common issue, helping you achieve perfectly crisp and clean linen every time.

  • E16: Flenjatunnelen stengt over natten

    The E16 Flenja Tunnel in Norway will be closed overnight for maintenance, causing disruptions in traffic flow. Drivers are advised to plan alternate routes to avoid delays during this period. Stay tuned for updates on the reopening schedule.

  • Emily (36) brukar 25.000 kroner i året på kennel

    Emily, 36, has a furry obsession that doesn’t come cheap. She spends a whopping 25,000 kroner a year on her beloved kennel, ensuring her four-legged friends live a life of luxury.

  • Israel: Fremgang i våpensamtaler med USA

    Israel has seen progress in arms talks with the USA. The negotiations are moving forward positively, with both sides showing a desire for collaboration and mutual understanding. This is a significant step towards strengthening the alliance between the two nations.

  • Her fisker Beckham i Lærdalselvi. Det kan han takke Liv Signe Navarsete for.

    In the serene waters of the Lærdal River, Beckham finds solace in the art of fishing, a pastime he owes to Liv Signe Navarsete. Her passion for conservation and nature has allowed him to connect with the tranquil beauty of the river, creating a bond that will last a lifetime.

  • Hetebølgen i Atlanterhavet: – Ingen har sett dette for seg

    The heatwave in the Atlantic Ocean has taken scientists by surprise as they witness unprecedented rise in water temperatures. No one could have predicted this phenomenon, raising concerns about its impact on marine life and ecosystems.

  • Både politibetjent og mann endte på legevakten etter dette

    A routine traffic stop took a dramatic turn when both the police officer and the driver ended up at the emergency room. The incident has left many questioning the safety protocols in place for law enforcement officers during routine duties.