Bergen News

  • Derfor ble det tvungen lønnsnemnd

    The decision to resort to compulsory arbitration was not taken lightly. After failed negotiations and looming economic repercussions, the government had no choice but to intervene to ensure a resolution. The impact of this move remains to be seen.

  • 44 ville sekunder: – I dag takker jeg «Blom»

    In the mesmerizing film “44 Ville Seconds,” we witness a raw and honest portrayal of life’s fleeting moments. Today, we extend our gratitude to the director, known as “Blom,” for reminding us to cherish every second we are given.

  • Lørdag: Stenger vei på grunn av Bergen-Voss

    This Saturday, road closures are in place due to the annual cycling race, Bergen-Voss. Residents are advised to plan alternative routes to avoid congestion and delays. The race is expected to showcase the picturesque scenery of the region.

  • De har bare leid ut en av åtte etasjer i kjempebygget. Likevel er byggingen i gang: – Alt har en risiko

    They’ve only rented out one of the eight floors in the massive building. However, construction is already underway: “Everything comes with a risk”, they say.

  • Slik kan streikene ramme deg

    Strikes have the potential to disrupt your daily life in more ways than one. From delayed public transport to closed schools and supermarkets, be prepared for the unexpected consequences that could impact you directly.

  • Danmark tillater at våpen brukes på russisk territorium

    In a surprising move, Denmark has granted permission for weapons to be used on Russian territory. This decision has sparked controversy and raised concerns about potential escalation of tensions between the two countries. The Danish government has yet to provide a clear explanation for this decision.

  • I Elisabeths hus er det bare tre ting som er kjøpt nytt

    In Elisabeth’s house, only three things have been bought new. The minimalistic approach to consumption not only reduces waste but also adds a sense of character and charm to the home.

  • Forhandler på overtid – kan bli streik på Flesland

    Negotiations are reaching a critical point at Flesland Airport as union representatives and management are working overtime to avoid a potential strike. The outcome remains uncertain, with both sides standing firm on their demands. Stay tuned for updates on the looming labor dispute.

  • Flere kilder varsler nye Gaza-forhandlinger

    Multiple sources are indicating that new negotiations for Gaza are on the horizon. As tensions continue to simmer in the region, it remains to be seen whether these talks will lead to lasting peace or further conflict. Stay tuned for updates on the situation.

  • – Putin forsøker desperat å avspore fredstoppmøtet

    In a bid to disrupt the peace summit, Putin is resorting to desperate measures. With tensions high and stakes raised, world leaders must navigate carefully to ensure diplomacy prevails.