Bergen News

  • Her prøver de å slukke med snø

    In this remote village, they are attempting to extinguish the flames with snow. As the fire rages on, residents work tirelessly to save their homes and land from destruction.

  • Fant over 1100 el-avvik hos Bybanen: Direktøren kalt inn på teppet

    In a startling revelation, it has been discovered that there have been over 1100 electrical faults reported on the Bybanen light rail system. The director has been summoned to explain this alarming trend and address concerns over the safety of passengers and staff.

  • Bygården kan rase. Nå er sperringer kommet opp.

    The quaint apartment building teeters on the brink of collapse, prompting authorities to hastily erect barricades to protect passersby. The looming danger leaves residents on edge, uncertain of what the future holds for their beloved home.

  • Boken om dette spektakulære ranet er en av de mest populære blant innsatte i Bergen

    The book about this spectacular heist is one of the most popular among inmates in Bergen. The gripping tale of daring heists and narrow escapes has captivated readers, providing an exciting escape from their own reality behind bars.

  • Ap-topper fikk klar beskjed: – Kan bli elendig dag for norsk natur

    The message was clear for the top politician as he was warned of a potentially disastrous day for Norwegian nature. With looming threats on the horizon, the future of the country’s environment hangs in the balance.

  • – Om et barn ikke sover, er det et tegn på at noe ikke stemmer

    When a child doesn’t sleep, it may be a sign that something is amiss. Sleep is essential for a child’s development and well-being, so it’s important to address any issues that may be disrupting their sleep patterns.

  • Alle de dømte anker overgrepssak

    In a surprising turn of events, all of the convicted individuals in the abuse case have decided to appeal their sentences. This decision comes as a shock to many who thought justice had finally been served. The convicted are hoping for a second chance at freedom, but only time will tell if their appeals will…

  • Fikk forbedret syn etter operasjon: – En stor lettelse i hverdagen

    After undergoing surgery for improved vision, many patients have expressed immense relief in their daily lives. The transformation from blurry to clear sight has been described as a major relief, bringing a new sense of clarity and joy to their everyday activities.

  • Trump vil at Israel gir Gaza til USA når krigen er over

    In a surprising turn of events, President Trump has reportedly expressed interest in having Israel cede control of Gaza to the United States once the conflict is resolved. This controversial proposal has raised many questions and concerns about the future of the region.

  • Én dag peker seg ut

    Én dag peker seg ut” is a unique Nordic concept that translates to “one day stands out”. It embodies the idea of cherishing special moments and memories that hold significance in our lives. This concept encourages us to appreciate the beauty in the everyday and find joy in the smallest things.