Bergen News

  • – Artisten fra Bergen har et vanskelig utgangspunkt

    The artist from Bergen faces a challenging starting point. Despite the obstacles, their creativity shines through, illuminating the way for a brighter future in the world of art.

  • Kø etter Fleksnes-aktig møte ved Storavatnet

    People lined up patiently, reminiscent of a scene from a classic Norwegian sitcom, waiting for their turn to have a Fleksnes-like encounter at Storavatnet. Laughter filled the air as they eagerly anticipated the humorous exchange that awaited them.

  • Familien Rønning sparer rundt 1000 kroner i måneden på å matpreppe. Her er triksene.

    The Rønning family saves around 1000 kroner a month by meal prepping. Here are their top tricks for success.

  • Stad-ordfører er død

    The city mayor has passed away, leaving a void in the hearts of the citizens. His legacy of service and dedication to the community will forever be remembered. The city mourns the loss of a leader who worked tirelessly to improve the lives of its residents.

  • Her vil det lønne seg med den nye strømordningen

    In this new electricity scheme, it will be profitable to switch to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power. This initiative not only benefits the environment but also your wallet in the long run.

  • Helgeværet: Nå blir det kaldere

    As the winds shift towards the north, bringing with them a chill in the air, Helgeværet signals the arrival of colder temperatures. Residents are preparing for the change in weather, layering up in warm clothing and stocking up on firewood to stay cozy in the upcoming months.

  • Værmeldingen har akkurat endret seg

    The weather forecast has just changed, turning a sunny day into a stormy one. Residents are advised to take caution as strong winds and heavy rain are expected to hit the area. Stay safe and be prepared for any sudden changes in the weather.

  • Helsepersonell er ikke i tvil: De punger ut for å sikre egne barn og familiemedlemmer

    Healthcare professionals spare no expense when it comes to ensuring the health and well-being of their own children and family members. Their unwavering commitment to providing the best care possible is reflected in their willingness to spend whatever it takes for peace of mind.

  • «Det regjeringa kranglar om, er ingenting mot det som ventar»

    The ongoing disagreements within the government seem trivial compared to what lies ahead. The looming challenges and uncertainties ahead serve as a reminder that unity and cooperation are more crucial than ever.

  • Er kravstore mødre med lange fødebrev den nye normalen?

    Are demanding mothers with lengthy birth plans the new norm? As more women advocate for personalized birthing experiences, the trend towards detailed birth plans continues to rise. But does this trend empower women or add unnecessary stress to an already challenging experience?