Bergen News

  • – Dette ordner vi, ingen problem

    Dette ordner vi, ingen problem,” the hopeful words echoed through the room, offering a glimmer of relief in the face of uncertainty. In times of crisis, such confidence can be a soothing balm for frayed nerves, a promise that all will be well in the end.

  • Tore André Flo ferdig i Sogndal

    Tore André Flo has officially ended his time at Sogndal, leaving behind a legacy of skill and determination. As fans bid farewell to the football legend, they reflect on his impact both on and off the field.

  • Dommen over Brann: Disse tre er i fyr og flamme

    The verdict is in for Brann: These three players are on fire. With stellar performances on the pitch, they have proven themselves to be key assets to the team.

  • Søk opp venner og kolleger – og se dem slite seg opp

    Embark on a heart-pounding adventure by searching for friends and colleagues struggling to climb to the top. Witness their determination and perseverance as they face challenges along the way. Join them in their journey to success!

  • Her er enda en værrekord: – Første gang noensinne

    Here is yet another weather record: First time ever. The unrelenting heat wave has shattered all previous forecasts, leaving experts stunned and prompting concerns about the escalating climate crisis.

  • Theodor (2) hostet i et halvt år. – Få foreldre er klar over denne diagnosen.

    Theodor suffered from chronic coughing for six months. Few parents are aware of this diagnosis. Let’s delve into the mysterious world of Theodor’s condition and uncover the truth behind his prolonged struggle.

  • Kvinne i 60-årene kjørte inn i busskur og ut på et jorde

    A woman in her 60s drove her car into a bus shelter and then onto a field, causing chaos and confusion. Thankfully, no one was injured in the bizarre incident, but the driver’s motives remain unclear.

  • Nå skal temperaturen ned. Så kjølig blir det.

    As the autumn chill sets in, the temperature is expected to drop even further. Get ready to bundle up as the cold weather sweeps across the region. Stay cozy and warm as you embrace the cooler days ahead.

  • – I mine 30 år som barnehagelærer har presset aldri vært så stort som nå

    After 30 years as a kindergarten teacher, the pressure has never been greater. The demands on teachers today are more challenging than ever before, requiring them to navigate new technology, evolving curriculum, and increasing expectations from parents and administrators.

  • – Sløsing å bruke skattepenger på ramadan-lys

    As the debate rages on about the use of taxpayers’ money for Ramadan lights, opinions are divided. Some see it as a beautiful symbol of inclusivity while others view it as a waste of resources. Ultimately, the decision lies in the hands of those in power.