Bergen News

  • Åpne flammer i båt slått ned: – Tre personer eksponert for røyk

    Three people were exposed to smoke after an open flame on a boat was extinguished. The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of fire on the water.

  • – Det finnes en stor elefant i klasserommet

    There is a big elephant in the classroom – a problem that everyone is aware of but no one dares to address. It looms over discussions and hinders progress. The time has come to acknowledge it and find a solution.

  • Mann frastjålet bingo-premie

    In a bizarre turn of events, a man was robbed of his bingo jackpot prize at a local bingo hall. The thief made off with the cash prize, leaving the man shocked and disappointed. Police are currently investigating the incident, but the man remains hopeful that justice will be served.

  • Sender ut nytt farevarsel

    Sending out a new warning of danger, authorities are urging residents to stay vigilant and prepared. With potential threats looming, it is crucial to heed the advice and take necessary precautions to ensure safety and security.

  • Politiet: Sprit stjålet fra bar

    In a daring heist, thieves have stolen an undisclosed amount of alcohol from a local bar in the heart of the city. The police are investigating the incident, but no suspects have been identified yet. Stay tuned for updates.

  • – Gamlingene kutter kosen for å lade kropps­batteriene og løpe fra døden

    In Norway, the trend of “gamlingene kutter kosen” – cutting out the comfort to recharge their body batteries and outrun death – is on the rise. Older adults are prioritizing fitness and health to stay young at heart.

  • Del av Trumps innerste krets: – Det vil skje ting vi ikke kan forestille oss

    Part of Trump’s inner circle: “Things will happen that we cannot imagine.” As the former president’s allies speak out, questions arise about the secrets held by those closest to him.

  • Han er dømt for å ha misbrukt stedatteren. Nå er han tiltalt igjen.

    A man convicted of abusing his stepdaughter faces new charges, reigniting the painful past for the victim. This disturbing case raises questions about justice and protection for vulnerable individuals.

  • Billigvin: Fire du bør prøve – og to du bør styre unna

    Cheap wine: Four you should try – and two to avoid. Explore the world of budget-friendly wines that offer great value for your money, but also be wary of disappointments lurking on the shelves.

  • – Han har gått løs på alt han har kommet over

    He has gone after everything in his path, leaving behind a trail of destruction. With a fierce determination, he tackles each challenge head-on, undeterred by the obstacles that stand in his way. His relentless drive propels him forward, a force to be reckoned with.